MAKING GREEN DRUGS: tapping into nature without tapping it out
A news piece introducing Weng lab research on medicinal plants of the world by Greta Friar.

Rainforest by Ben Britten is licensed under CC BY 2.0
A news piece introducing Weng lab research on medicinal plants of the world by Greta Friar.
Rainforest by Ben Britten is licensed under CC BY 2.0
Making our world more sustainable to preserve it for future generations will take not just one but many solutions. Researchers at Whitehead Institute are exploring how the natural world could teach us how to improve the sustainability of how we produce food, how we make medicines, how we make products more durable, and potentially how we remove carbon from the atmosphere. In this special episode of AudioHelicase, we’ll hear from researchers at the Institute that are pursuing creative solutions to sustainability that combine a passion for making a difference with boundless curiosity for the living world.