
Jing-Ke Weng presents the 2016 Buchanan Endowed Lecture at UC Berkeley.

Jing-Ke Weng presented the 2016 Buchanan Endowed Lecture at UC Berkeley on Sept 7th. The Bob. B. Buchanan Lecture honors Professor Bob B. Buchanan, a longtime faculty member in the Department of Plant and Microbial Biologyat at UC Berkeley . Professor Buchanan did undergraduate work at Emory and Henry College and obtained a Ph.D. in Microbiology from Duke University. After completing postdoctoral research with the late Professor Jesse C. Rabinowitz in the Department of Biochemistry, Buchanan joined the UC Berkeley faculty in 1963. He is known for his contributions to microbiology, photosynthesis and plant biochemistry. Speakers are typically young investigators on the way to achieving prominence in plant biology, and are selected by postdoctoral scholars in the Department of Plant and Microbial Biology.

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